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Singapore Garden Festival 2024 – Fantasy Gardens (Gold Award)

NZ based landscaping designer Jules Moore, one of our trusted partners, has been awarded the Gold Award for this year’s Singapore Garden Festival Best of Show Designer Gardens Competition – Fantasy Category.

Jules’s Exhibition, Portals to Paradise, won her the Gold Award and is a testament to her extraordinary experience and career in landscaping design.

Congratulations Jules! We are so proud of the amazing work you’ve done. It is definitely an exciting time for our NZ-based partners to be recognised for their amazing work in Singapore.

Event Details:
  • Event: Singapore Garden Festival 2024
  • Venue: Suntec Singapore Convention and Exhibition Centre (Level 4 and 6)
  • Dates: 3-11 August 2024
  • Best of Show Designer Gardens Competition – Fantasy Category
    • Gold Award: Jules Moore, Portals to Paradise

Photo credit: Jules Moores & Singapore Garden Festival

Video credit: Singapore Garden Festival IG